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    Over three million students graduate from U.S. high schools every year. Most get the opportunity to test their dreams and live their American story. However, a group of approximately 65,000 youth do not get this opportunity; they are smeared with an inherited title, an illegal immigrant. These youth have lived in the United States for most of their lives and want nothing more than to be recognized for what they are, Americans.

    The DREAM Act is a bipartisan legislation ‒ pioneered by Sen. Orin Hatch [R-UT] and Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL] ‒ that can solve this hemorrhaging injustice in our society. Under the rigorous provisions of the DREAM Act, qualifying undocumented youth would be eligible for a 6 year long conditional path to citizenship that requires completion of a college degree or two years of military service.

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    • Do I qualify?


    The Portal is home to the largest community of undocumented youth in the United States. Our community has matured together for the past half-decade. Today we focus on progressing the national DREAM Act movement and increasing the pressure on our U.S. Congress to bring the DREAM Act to a vote. Only this vote will break our tired shackles and put us equal to our peers. You can help.



    176 of target 15 Organizations mapped
    98/99 Senators researched
    434/437 Representatives researched


    83,660 members
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    We will approach this need like we approach targeting legislators - by working together with you.

    Your targets

    4 legislators need research
    209 support the bill
    116 oppose the bill
    211 others
    show me the list

    Your tactics

    Tactics are a way to make each target feel the power of our group.

    We have some work to do before we can pull this off - for best results, focus on our short term goals.

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